This game is just amazing to play
This game is just amazing to play
I can not turn
I love this game it is the most realistic game one my ipod .
It has a bit of bad controls its too extreme for me
Dont waste your time on this unless youve got three minutes every single time you open this app. Stupid intro is three minutes long and controls make you dizzy
its ok but the controls are way to small and I hate how every time I go to play theres that stupid minute long video in the beginning of the game and its so annoying
This game would be a lot more fun if there wasnt such a long introduction. It is absolutely ridiculous to have to sit through a minute watching a video of racing. Yes, it is free, but 2XL is not gaining any marketing favor to entice people to buy the full version by making them endure such a long introduction to the game. Besides that, the full version is WAY too much money!!!
Please add full screen for newer devices, this game is amazing, I play multiplayer with 5 people and it gets intense, but with the small screen it is very hard to control the bikes, an update would be amazing.
One of the best games